
Oct 4, 20231 min read
1097. Peter Robinson - Bad Boy
This one follows no.1096, I think, and involves Banks’ daughter Tracy who gets involved with a ‘Bad Boy’. The early bit of the book is...

Aug 27, 20231 min read
1089. Peter Robinson - Cold Is The Grave
Enjoyed the last one enough to read another. This is brilliant and I think probably one of the best. A family tragedy, involving...

Aug 10, 20231 min read
1085. Peter Robinson - Watching The Dark
I have read this before but was possibly binge-reading Robinson at the time and enjoyed it a lot more this time. This one begins in north...

Mar 1, 20231 min read
1049. Peter Robinson - A Dedicated Man
An early Inspector Banks book and a very good, if slightly old fashioned detective novel. A body is found in a field in the North...

Jun 5, 20221 min read
986. Jean Rhys - Wide Sargasso Sea
Good to read a serious book, after a recent diet of (too much) crime. I had never heard of this but it is extraordinary. Jean Rhys was...

Mar 24, 20221 min read
959. Stacey Hills - Mrs England
Not exactly chick-lit, but certainly a girl’s book. About a Norland Nanny, early in the 20th century who is seconded to a family in...

Dec 23, 20211 min read
926. Reginald Hill - Exit Lines
Along with Ed McBain, Hill is my standby author for ‘going to bed about to finish a book and need something else to start’ as happened on...

Oct 5, 20211 min read
902. Reginald Hill - Pictures Of Perfection
I like Reginald Hill, but his later books do veer into a level of obscurity that I don’t enjoy. If so, this must be a mid-period book, a...

Jun 12, 20211 min read
867. Peter Robinson - Many Rivers To Cross
Good, but not one of his best. Murders in N Yorkshire meet sex trafficking and people smuggling from central Europe. Banks apart, the...

Jan 13, 20191 min read
651. Reginald Hill - A Killing Kindness
Re-read this as a substitute to 650 above, and can’t remember that much about it now, maybe not a recommendation. A series of unrelated...

Oct 12, 20171 min read
540. Mick Herron - The Last Voice You Hear
The 2nd Zoe Boehm. Very good again; I think this guy is a great writer. I found the series of improbable coincidences across the 1st 50...

Sep 23, 20171 min read
528. Susie Steiner - Homecoming
Her first book, pre Manon. I loved it in places. The ending was a bit dull. Basically an everyday tale of sheep farming in N Yorkshire -...

Sep 12, 20171 min read
522. Lisa Jewell - I Found You
One of Paddy’s from the library. I loved this (as did she). Romance/thriller set in a seaside north Yorkshire village, starting with a...

Jul 26, 20131 min read
130. Peter Robinson - Watching The Dark
Have read this before but didn’t really enjoy it first time round. Better second time round, but not one of his best. A split plot set...

Mar 28, 20131 min read
90. Peter Robinson - Before The Poison
I had read this before but asked D for it for my birthday last year. Enjoyed it less 2nd time round; Robinson seems a bit mannered (not...