
Oct 14, 20211 min read
906. Sophie Grigson - A Curious Absence Of Chickens
I can’t pretend to have read this cover to cover, as it is half recipes and half Sophie Grigson’s emigration from the UK to Puglia, which...

Mar 5, 20211 min read
850. George Eliot - Silas Marner
Wanted a short book by George Eliot and there aren’t many, so went for this one. It is hard work – Marner is an opaque and rather...

Dec 19, 20151 min read
363. Louise Penny - Dead Cold
This is much better. Gamache revisits Three Pines for another murder – you could wonder if there are enough inhabitants – so we meet many...

Sep 22, 20151 min read
339. Kate Atkinson - Emotionally Weird
Couldn’t get on with this at all, despite my enthusiasms above. Maybe I was just enjoying Madrid and Granada too much. Very much a...

Aug 31, 20131 min read
140. George Eliot - Silas Marner
Bought this in 1976 and don’t think I have ever read it. It is bloody good. Quite simple, short, and beautifully compressed tale of...

Jul 25, 20121 min read
27. Thomas Hardy - Tess Of The D'Urbervilles
Thought I had better read a non-crime book. Haven't read any Hardy for years; don't know quite what to make of this. Hardy obviously took...

Jul 12, 20121 min read
25. R.J. Ellory - A Quiet Belief In Angels
An early book, I think, very much coming of age/ 'Catcher in the Rye' (have I ever read this?) type of book. The coming of age is...