
Aug 3, 20221 min read
1001. Janice Hallett - The Appeal
This, her first book, was brilliant but far too long I thought. The first three quarters is largely a set of email exchanges between...

Apr 23, 20211 min read
857. Reginald Hill - Child's Play
Thought I would go for something a bit lighter. Had read this before and possibly seen it on the TV, many years ago. It is the one in...

Oct 28, 20171 min read
545. Nicolai Gogol - Dead Souls
Been meaning to read this for years, strange and paradoxically both difficult and easy to read. Very long and unfinished, in fact Gogol...

Jun 12, 20161 min read
411. Anthony Trollope - Castle Richmond
The other big holiday book, and much better than Dickens. Set in Ireland around the time of the potato famine, it involves two...