Jun 12, 20161 min read
411. Anthony Trollope - Castle Richmond
The other big holiday book, and much better than Dickens. Set in Ireland around the time of the potato famine, it involves two...
May 14, 20161 min read
399. Brian Thompson - Bad To The Bone
I can see why I dumped these books in the attic when the bookcases became over-crowded a few years ago; they’re OK but it is doubtful...
Dec 14, 20141 min read
269. Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina
I quite enjoyed this, although it took ages to get going (around page 300!?). One of my problems was that none of the characters were,...
Jul 6, 20141 min read
226. William Thackeray - Vanity Fair
Chose a long serious(?) book after all the HÃ¥kan Nessers, although it is hard work to read a book this long when not on holiday. Did I...
Dec 8, 20131 min read
168. Anthony Trollope - The Warden
I did find an easier Trollope, and read 'The Warden'. I found the first half sentimental and annoying but the second half took off for me...
Dec 6, 20131 min read
167. Anthony Trollope - Framley Parsonage
My first Trollope, so to speak. Not sure that this was the best choice as it is long, not all easy, and felt at times like 'War & Peace'....
May 4, 20131 min read
101a. Leo Tolstoy - War And Peace
Can't give this a number (see no.89), but I have finally finished 'War & Peace'; it is a huge book. i would like to re-read it, but would...
Mar 21, 20131 min read
89. Leo Tolstoy - War & Peace
21.03.2013 Meanwhile, where I am now halfway through 'War & Peace', which I started post no.83. It is good but hard work - last night's...