
May 10, 20221 min read
976. Emily Itami - Fault Lines
Read this again as it is book group tonight. I can’t say that it was much better on a second reading. The heroine was a slightly bohemian...

Apr 12, 20221 min read
967. Emily Itami - Fault Lines
I quite enjoyed this, although it is quite slight. A married Tokyo housewife, bored by her husband, who is a typical Japanese company...

Feb 20, 20171 min read
468. Arnaldur Indridason - Outrage
I have read this before, but wanted a light book to counterbalance Jane Austen. Reminded me thematically of Louise Penny, in that the...

Sep 30, 20161 min read
434. Arnaldur Indridason - The Draining Lake
I quite like this guy; have read this before; it is the one about the Icelandic left wing students who go on a communist sponsored year...

Nov 11, 20141 min read
260. Andrew Rosenheim - The Informant
Not sure what to make of this, or exactly what genre it aspires to. I guess spy thriller. I thought it would compare interestingly with...

Jul 13, 20131 min read
127. Arnaldur Indridason - Voices
Have read this before but wanted to re-read it. It introduces Erlendur and explicates more of his family history than some of the other...

Mar 16, 20131 min read
86. Arnaldur Indridason - Black Skies
Not one of the better ones; this features Sigindur Oli who is the least likeable of the trio of detectives. Corruption amongst Icelandic...

Mar 12, 20131 min read
85. Henrik Ibsen - The Wild Duck
Much better. Financial and sexual corruption have led to a sham marriage. Husband finds out that his daughter is not his, threatens to...

Mar 11, 20131 min read
84. Henrik Ibsen - A Doll's House
Took some Ibsen plays to read on the plane en route to central Europe, This one, which I always thought was called 'The Doll's House', is...

Mar 2, 20131 min read
83. Arnaldur Indridason - Jar City
I think this is the 1st book in the series and it is another cracker. Man found murdered in anonymous flat, turns out he raped a woman...

Feb 28, 20131 min read
82. Arnaldur Indridason - Silence Of The Grave
Another old murder; this time from WW2 Reykjavik. Hints of a fairy story about it; particularly the family suffering from the very...

Feb 24, 20131 min read
81. Arnaldur Indridason - Hypothermia
I am hooked on these now. Found this one hard to get into initially (no murder, just a clear cut suicide) but so cleverly done that you...

Feb 21, 20131 min read
80. Arnaldur Indridason - The Draining Lake
Fantastic book about Icelandic left-wing students encouraged to study in Leipzig in Cold War; the body of one is found murdered in the...

Feb 12, 20131 min read
78. Arnaldur Indridason - Voices
Much better than no.76, more like no.75. This guy is quite good; original plotting, three quite interesting cops, especially Erlendur,...

Feb 2, 20131 min read
76. Arnaldur Indridason - Arctic Chill
Sounds a bit like a frozen pudding. Elinborg has become a minor character in this one, her boss Erlendur is the major one. He is a rather...

Jan 29, 20131 min read
75. Arnaldur Indridason - Outrage
After the Swedish, let’s try some Icelandic. This is very good indeed, female detective, complex family life, cleverly plotted. Elinborg...