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Tim O'Brien

89. Leo Tolstoy - War & Peace


Meanwhile, where I am now halfway through 'War & Peace', which I started post no.83. It is good but hard work - last night's 20 or so pages was about Russian military theory prior to some or other battle with Napoleon.


I have decided, reluctantly, to abandon 'War & Peace'. It is too long and difficult to read other than perhaps on a beach with hours available. I haven't been sleeping well since we arrived in Budapest a week ago and, without blaming Tolstoy, this has been a factor. Much of it is just very hard work.

I am at 64% of my pageless Kindle, the battle of Borodino which I think was the breaking point in the French invasion of Russia is about to begin and Pierre is scouting around pretending to be a soldier.

This is page 936 of our very old Penguin edition (which runs to 1444 pages) so I have given it a good go, but enough is enough for now. Would like to finish it maybe in Spain in the summer.


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