Never read any before, but she is obviously a well established author. Despite a slow start, I thought this was very good.
Set in the deep south, very much James Lee Burke territory (but without the portentous/pretentious moralising), it is a long book with a complex plot line, but well enough constructed and written that I was never back paging to try to work out who a character was.
The plot involves the pretty brutal murder of a young boy with a single fairly trashy Mum, a couple (married) of detectives who are very much the good guys, and corruption above/ dubious competence below. But it involves a whole small town, particularly the school and characters both adult and child of different classes within that town.
Lots of suspense and questions as the plot develops. Very good and well written police procedural but in addition a thriller.
Definitely an author to take on holiday to a hot sunny beach if that ever happens again.