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81. Arnaldur Indridason - Hypothermia

Tim O'Brien

I am hooked on these now.

Found this one hard to get into initially (no murder, just a clear cut suicide) but so cleverly done that you get pulled into it, like a murder, which indeed is the plot.

Erlendur is a wonderfully drawn character; in this book, at his daughter's insistence, he meets his ex wife. The meeting is not a success, as he knew from rows with the daughter in previous books, it would not be.

He begins (maybe??) to reconcile himself to his brother's death and the breakdown of his own family. He finds lost children for bereft parents (in this case too late for his dying father). He pursues an apparent suicide which everyone has written off as worth investigating. Someone says 'You're only interested in missing person's cases' and he replies that a suicide [obviously when you read it] is a missing person.

It is all great stuff and I have bought another one.


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