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805. Piers Paul Read - The Junkers

Tim O'Brien

One that I am sure we used to have. An English diplomat in Berlin in the late 1950’s falls in love with a German girl, and needs to trace her family history. They turn out to be 3 Pomeranian Junkers, an aristocratic family from what is now I think part of Poland, but was a region/country within Germany pre WW2. Klaus, the eldest brother, was a rather passive go with the flow Nazi sympathiser, the middle brother a politically unattached diplomat and the youngest Edward a communist. A lot of the narrative bounces back to the war. The girls’s father was a vicious Nazi, but her mother was a Pomeranian minor aristocrat, who all the brothers loved in one way or another, and who care for her daughter in different ways. Good, but I haven’t summarised it very well here.


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