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753. Marina Lewycka - Various Pets Alive & Dead

Tim O'Brien

Paddy recommended this. I found it slightly hard going although as I got into it I wondered why. Maybe re-read on a beach.

3 main characters – Dorothy the mum who brought her kids up in a commune in the late 70’s; Clara, her eldest daughter, a teacher and whose character isn’t really developed (maybe she is the norm in the middle) and Sergei, who may (or may not) be Dorothy’s son; there was a lot of free love in the commune.

Dorothy, now in her late 60’s remains fairly faithful to her 1970’s ideals, Clara is a bit nothingy, and Sergei, who is allegedly studying maths at Cambridge but is actually working for a very corrupt Merchant Bank/VC in the city. So there is a big culture clash between mother and son.

The premise is good but I found the realisation a bit weak.


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