So this is no.3 Jackson Brodie, and again very good – I wish she had written, or would write, more.
This one begins with a family experiencing a frenzied attack from a loony on a country walk, there was a real case very similar, and in this book only one child survives.
The narrative takes place about 20 years later when the surviving child is a doctor in Edinburgh married to a waster. Like Martin Canning in the previous book, much of the plot centres not on her but Reggie Chase, a wonderful and quite Dickensian 16 year old orphan, who helps the doctor around the house and with childcare.
Jackson meanwhile is in Yorkshire, trying to prove Julia’s son’s paternity. He then gets on the wrong train, Edinburgh not back to London, and is nearly killed in an accident. His life is saved by the wonderful Reggie, he meets up with the now unhappily married Louise again and of course saves the doctor from the baddies.
It is all very satisfying as are all these books.