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511. Thomas Hardy - Tess Of The d'Urbervilles

Tim O'Brien

Triggered by 509; these Victorian (or maybe post in Hardy’s case) novelists are so prolix; 450 pages.

The plot wasn’t that similar to Adam Bede; Tess is seduced by a scoundrel, falls in love with an Angel, who is a massive hypocrite, and marries him, but is spurned when she confesses to the earlier seduction (despite Angel having admitted to similar bit of behaviour on his part). He then wanders off to South America and she wanders distraught around Wessex.

She meets up with her seducer again, and convinced that Angel has abandoned her, sets up home with her seducer. Of course Angel returns, find them and she has to murder her seducer. I think, although it is not clear, that she is hung for this, and the survivors depart in some misery.

Doesn’t incline me to read more Hardy, although I see that ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’ will be on the TV shortly.


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