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415. Tim Lott - The Last Summer Of The Water Strider

Tim O'Brien

A library book from P.

Set in the 1970’s, a mildly bored and disaffected teenager is sent off to live with his hippy uncle on a houseboat near Bristol. Uncle has a female friend (well in fact his daughter, but this is concealed) who is almost killing herself on some bonkers hippie style diet.

Teenager mixes a little with the locals and meets daughter of local vicar, who is also at odds with the kid’s uncle, either over anti-social behaviour or, the uncle thinks, because the vicar wants to buy up the land on which the boat is moored for development.

The daughter uses her friendship with the teenager to spy on them, but rather improbably, allows him to bugger her as a ruse to preserve her virginity. He then denounces her to her father.

It is quite good but I missed an underlying intention or purpose; it seemed to me to float around in this sea of (now quite historical) characters and themes.


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