How nice to find a good writer I had never heard of on what I thought was a rather wasted trip (all 200 yards from the door) to the library.
This was very good and I have bought the next (well actually the first) in the (Isle of) Lewis trilogy.
Finn is an ex-policeman and also ex-roadie who has returned to the Isle of Lewis and left the police. He and an old friend find a crashed aeroplane in a disappeared loch, and so begins a quite complicated mystery, full of flashbacks and time shifts and ex-girlfriends, of whom Finn seems to have an abundance.
Would make a good TV thriller or film. And the weird joys of words. This is the second of the last three books I have read with a berserker as an important character and the only book I have read in which the Caberfeidh, which is a pub run by clients/friends of mine, features (not the same Caberfeidh in this book although not that far apart if you cross a bit of sea).