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Tim O'Brien

194. Olivia Manning - Friends & Heroes

Volume three of the above.

They are now all in Athens, although only briefly as the Germans invade toward the end, and they flee on a boat towards, I presume, Cairo to begin the Levant trilogy.

There is a lot of skulduggery, particularly from the British ruling class. Harriet becomes increasingly disillusioned with Guy who has, in her eyes, limited real interest in her, and she comes close to having an affair with a British soldier.

There is a neat plot twist as, after months (or pages at any event) of resistance, she is about to go to bed with him when she meets Sasha in the hotel corridor. Not only does this scupper the romance, but Sasha assumes he was betrayed in Bucharest by Guy and Harriet and wants nothing to do with her. It transpires that he is being spirited off to South Africa by his uncle, having handed over the family money to the Rumanians. A possible hint of anti-semitism here?


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