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124. David Lodge - Therapy

Tim O'Brien

Tried ‘How Far Can you Go’ on return from Spain, but I couldn’t go very far; too many characters sitting around in a church in the opening chapter. But ‘Therapy’ is brilliant, particularly after the long opening monologue from Tubby, who scripts a successful TV soap with increasing dissatisfaction with his own life.

After his wife leaves him, he attempts sex with numerous characters who have appeared in cameo earlier (all female), with no real success, becomes obsessed with Kierkegaard and apes some of his behaviours.

There is a long and beautifully written account of his first (schoolboy) love, following which he tracks down the girl (now elderly lady) and helps her on her pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella. They sleep together and she tells him to go back to his wife, who won’t have him back. He remains friends with the girlfriend, but no dramatic ending.

Again worth re-reading.


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