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1097. Peter Robinson - Bad Boy

Tim O'Brien

This one follows no.1096, I think, and involves Banks’ daughter Tracy who gets involved with a ‘Bad Boy’.

The early bit of the book is very well done – Banks is on holiday in the US having yet another brief affair with a woman he has met over there, the mother of a flatmate Tracy goes to Eastvale police station asking for him to report that her daughter has come home from her flat with a gun, but Annie has to deal with this in his absence, and through no fault of hers, the girls father dies as the police raid the house to retrieve the gun.

It transpires that she was the girlfriend of the bad boy who has had a row with him after Tracy was flirting with him in a nightclub, and once it becomes clear that the police are involved, Tracy goes round to the boy’s flat to warn him. They quickly fall into bed and, realizing that he needs to get away, she suggests they hide in a bank house in the Yorkshire countryside.

Increasingly alarmed by his behaviour, she tries to retrieve her phone, and Annie turns up to water his plants. Annie is shot by him and Tracy and the pair try to escape to London. Banks, now back chases them towards London, and the bad boy is shot by a gay policewoman who has become obsessed with Annie.

This is all very good and typical Robinson; the weak bit is the poorly constructed villain who is the bad boy’s boss. But this apart, very good and better than I had remembered it.


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