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1050. R. J. Ellory - A Simple Act Of Violence

Tim O'Brien

Have read this before and it is brilliant.

Starts with a murder, and then looks for the next 100 or so pages like a police-procedural, with possibly a serial killer. But is slowly becomes apparent that it is really a book about US involvement in Nicaragua and the Oliver North operation to use proceeds of cocaine importation into the US to fund the CIA backed support for the contras against the elected government of the country.

The central figure, apart from the beleaguered detective Robert Miller, is John Robey, a university professor who was formerly in the CIA in Nicaragua. It appears (I found the logic here a bit unclear) that the US govt are murdering all of their own operatives who express any dissent against their operations there, the murders being disguised as those of a serial killer.

The whole book is Robey’s (successful) attempt to reveal this to Miller, by slowly leading him to uncover what has been going on.



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