This, her first book, was brilliant but far too long I thought.
The first three quarters is largely a set of email exchanges between various members of an am-dram society about a play they are about to put on. But it then transpires that, apparently, the two year old daughter of a cast member has a serious form of cancer, and the whole production turns into an appeal to raise money for her.
Things then begin to complicate – lies are told to raise the funds, and various financial irregularities appear to be taking place. The cast members have increasingly complex personal relationships.
The eventual murderer has been an aid worker in Africa and has suspicions about everyone. There are so many plot strands that it would take too long to summarise them.
Eventually, a cast member is murdered and the final quarter of the book is two trainee barristers attempting, on their boss’ behalf to untangle the plot. They and the justice system do so, but the final quarter is far too long. But very, very good apart from that element.
The protagonists, particularly the sad Issie and the bossy Sarah Jane, stick in one’s mind long after the book is read.